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小芳黄梅艺术团团长陈小芳女士应邀参加中国驻纽约总领馆于1月25日举行的2019年新春招待会,和教育参赞杨军一起演出家喻户晓的“夫妻双双把家还”,让来宾们感受乡音乡情。Ms. Xiaofang Chen was invited to the spring festival reception of Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York. She and Education Counselor Jun Yang brought to the crowd the most popular Huangmei song "Husband and Wife Returning Home.”

小芳黄梅艺术团于1月26日带着优雅的旗袍舞蹈及民族风情舞蹈在新泽西Edison市图书馆和市民们一起庆祝图书馆成立90周年。The art academy was invited to perform Qipao dance and Tibet Dance in the Edison library's 90th anniversary celebration event.

 小芳黄梅艺术团出席新州华人联合总会春节联欢晚会,带去了喜庆吉祥的场景舞“穿新衣,过大年”及小学员们的黄梅戏演唱,赢得阵阵掌声。The art academy attended 2019 Spring Festival Gala of The United Chinese American Association of New Jersey and presented seasonal dance "Celebrating New Year With New Dresses" and Children's Huangmei songs. 

 小芳黄梅艺术团的小学员们在1月27日Summit 的华人协会春晚上,妆扮一新,大气又不失天真的演唱黄梅戏经典唱段。Young leaners in the art academy performed Huangmei Opera in Spring Festival Gala of the Chinese American Association of Summit, New Jersey.

小芳黄梅艺术团慰问老人院演出。The art academy performed for seniors in Edison Senior Center.

小芳黄梅艺术团应邀出席总领馆举办的“四海同春”慰问团和侨界联欢活动, 演出天仙配“四赞”。堪比专业的扮及优美的水䄂云步让国内的文艺界人士感受到艺术团传播中华文化的努力。The art academy was invited to perform "Seven Fairies Praise the Earthly World" in Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York's event welcoming mainland visiting artists.  The professionalism of the performance made the Chinese artists to praise the art group's hard work to spread Chinese traditional art.


福建同乡会猪年春节联欢,小芳艺术团前往,共同度过美好的夜晚。The art academy enjoyed Fujian American Association Chinese New Year Gala with Qipao Dance and Huangmei Opera.

 同月,Edison 市商业局举办广受欢迎的 Edison Taste 多族裔文化商业活动。艺术团的黄梅戏选段让来宾们眼界大开。The art academy's Huangmei Opera perforamnce during Edison Taste multi-culture festival was an eye-opener.   

 2019年5月,小芳黄梅艺术团带着敬佩及感谢的心情慰问新泽西退伍军人,给退伍军人中心带去春天的欢乐。In May 2019, the art academy shows support and appreciation to veterans by visiting them and performing Huangmei Opera.

 同月,新泽西旅美艺术家们庆祝“新州中国日”成立三十周年,同时为母亲节回馈一场盛大的演出。艺术团团长陈小芳登台演唱经典黄梅戏片段。Ms Chen performed classical Huangmei Opera in a professional grand concert to celebrating "NJ Chinese Festival" 30th birthday and Mother's day.  

 新州著名的 Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center 慕名邀请艺术团在其2019年6月的“东亚艺术节”上展示藏族风情、文化。The art academy was invited by Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center of New Jersey to perform a special Chinese cultural show focusing on Tibetan wedding in June 2019 public performance event.

 2019年7月,新泽西Edison市图书馆举办"联合国文献回家省亲展,回顾中美建交"活动,小芳黄梅艺术团带着最美乡村音乐黄梅戏选段及藏族民俗舞蹈送上热烈的祝福。The art academy was invited to perform in Edison Main Library event "traveling exhibition from the United Nation Depository Library".


 同月,在Edison商业局夏季啤酒美食节上也留下了艺术团美丽的身影。The art academy enjoyed attending and performing in Edison Food Wine and Beer Festival 2019.

 2019年9月,新泽西华人联合总会举办夏季烧烤联谊会,各个艺术团体及工商社团欢聚一堂,联络乡情。小芳黄梅艺术团展示了藏族风情及服饰。The art academy attended and performed beautiful Tibetan costume show in summer BBQ event by United Chinese American Association of New Jersey.  


10月5日参加旅美科协的活动,为协会奉献了唯美悠扬的黄梅戏选段。The art academy attended 2019 annual meeting of The Chinese Association for Science and Technology and brought Huangmei performance "Weaving."

 经过密集的排练,小芳黄梅艺术团推出的2019年的重头大戏—10月26日 “黄梅绽放,国韵芳香”专场演出。In 2019, Xiaofang Huangmei Arts Academy presented the 4th full concert of "Hunagmei Blossom, Chinese Elegance."  

 11月9日陈小芳老师和团员们应邀在美国大学里举办黄梅艺术发展史讲座和黄梅戏艺术展演。Ms. Chen and the art academy were invited to give a seminar on Huangmei Opera history and a demonstration show at Haverford College。

2019年12月5日,小芳黄梅艺术团应新州交通局之邀,在新州交通枢纽演出,丰富每天通勤的民众生活,在火车站为出行的旅客带去欢乐。The art academy performed the Huangmei show "Weaving" and Qipao dance "Yuguang Dance" at the NJ TRANSIT event “Music In Motion,” bringing arts and music to commuters.